Speedometer Chart - A Smart Solution to Present Your Data

The term speedometer is very well known in the automobile industry, however in today’s tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to create Speedometer Chart using google sheets. Creating visually appealing presentations is a key to a successful business meeting. Indeed, traditional excel charts will certainly boost your confidence but that’s not enough. In a world increasingly saturated with data and information, visualizations are a potent way to break through the clutter, tell your story, and persuade people to action, says Adam Singer – Analytics Advocate at Google....

July 25, 2016 · Sudheer Tammini

12 Spectacular Excel Skills Employers Looking for

It was 2010, I was just out of college and searching for my first job, I was scrutinised in an interview to check whether I have required excel skills or not. Thankfully I was fully prepared to answer their questions and got selected for the position. I think it’s most common situation for young & experienced professionals nowadays. Increasing dependency on excel is actually demanding people with various skills in excel....

January 25, 2016 · Sudheer Tammini

Excel text formulas: 19 profound ways to bend your data

Can better data let you make better decisions..? Maybe yes, with Excel text formulas you can analyze data effectively. Every day your business will generate millions of lines of data, and most of the times your data will not be in a structured way, even the best technology in the world cannot give you ready-made data to support your decision-making process. I think that is the reason why we’re so heavily dependent on MS Excel from simple to complicated analysis....

December 16, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini

8 Tips To Reinvent Your Job Skills List And Win In Your Next Interview

Most of the job seekers (including me) want to be successful in their next interview by doing something different, but in reality it’s possible only, if there is a match between type of skills that the job seeker has and required job skills list by the employer. According to rightmanagement research “Leadership skills (62%) are seen as the most important skills needed for employees in order to drive growth, alongside management skills and resilience”...

June 29, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini