The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Excel Heat Map That will Impress Your Boss

Creating excel heat map is an art. You need to know which colour combinations work better for your scenarios. According to aresearch conducted by Prof. Richard Wiseman, “about 25% of people found documents with colours are easier to analyse”. In fact, colours can play a pivotal role in your analysis when you use it wisely. For example, if you’d like to highlight high-cost scenario then you might have to use Red, similarly Green for the low cost....

May 2, 2016 · Sudheer Tammini

5 Clever Ways to Use Excel Go to Special Command

Excel Go to Special command has a special focus in the industry, do you know why..? As the name suggests, the user can quickly select a cell or a group of cells based on a preferred condition. For example, if you want to quickly see all formula cells in your workbook then your ideal option would be “Go to Special”. It’s not just limited to formulas, you can also use it for finding blanks, Comments, Errors, Conditional formatting, Data validation etc....

April 18, 2016 · Sudheer Tammini

The Ultimate Guide to Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

The engine needs powerful thrust for speed, whereas analyst needs a handful of Excel keyboard shortcuts to crunch data and convert that into a useful information. Indeed it’s not always a good idea to work with the mouse for selecting various options. According to thekeycuts average analyst can save 10.79 minutes a day & 47 hours a year by using shortcuts, that sounds a lot isn’t it..? Very often it’s a need for analysts to learn new excel shortcuts to meet the required speed, but the real problem is, how do you remember all the shortcuts....

January 11, 2016 · Sudheer Tammini

Excel text formulas: 19 profound ways to bend your data

Can better data let you make better decisions..? Maybe yes, with Excel text formulas you can analyze data effectively. Every day your business will generate millions of lines of data, and most of the times your data will not be in a structured way, even the best technology in the world cannot give you ready-made data to support your decision-making process. I think that is the reason why we’re so heavily dependent on MS Excel from simple to complicated analysis....

December 16, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini

4 MS Excel Alternatives to Enhance Your Analytical Skills in Just 7 Days

Do you know even today 7 out of 10 people don’t know about MS Excel Alternatives.! Almost all Universities, Colleges, Schools, Business Houses, Financial institutions, use excel one or the other way. According to, “about 80% of high paying jobs require advanced Excel skills” MS Excel is the first application that comes to our mind when we talk aboutReporting or Analytical related stuff, indeed, it’s very well known fact and widely used spreadsheet application in the industry....

July 29, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini